Emergency Tooth Extractions Near Me

It’s one thing to need a routine tooth extraction that you actually planned for, but needing emergency tooth extractions is even scarier. That’s why you need a skilled and experienced Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon like Dr. Andrew Greenberg to provide your emergency treatment.

Dr. Greenberg has decades of experience extracting teeth in Westchester County at his Briarcliff Manor office. If you are in need of emergency tooth extraction services, you could not ask for a better pair of hands. But maybe you aren’t sure what is involved in tooth extraction or what constitutes an actual emergency. If that’s the case, read on to learn more so you can be prepared.

What Is A Tooth Extraction?

tooth extractions in Westchester

A tooth extraction is a procedure in which Dr. Greenberg will either pull your tooth from the jawbone using a simple or surgical method. Dr. Greenberg will never recommend extracting your tooth unless absolutely necessary and he will explain your treatment plan and the procedure to you in detail so you understand what’s going on.

Reasons For Tooth Extractions

Extracting a tooth can be a major or minor procedure depending on why the extraction is necessary and which tooth needs to be extracted. A tooth that is already loose or has a smaller root is easier to remove while some teeth are so stubborn that they require surgery to remove.

That being said, there are reasons why extracting a tooth or teeth is necessary.

  • Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the most commonly extracted teeth because there is usually no space for them in the mouth and they get in the way of your other teeth. You could have up to four wisdom teeth, which should erupt between the ages of 17-25, two on the upper jaw and two on the lower jaw in the back of your mouth.

These teeth can damage other teeth and cause pain, so it’s best to extract them. These teeth have very strong roots and may not even erupt, making them impacted. This requires surgical removal.

  • To Make Space

Just like wisdom teeth can cause space issues, other teeth may require extraction if they are interfering with your other teeth and causing problems. Removing the tooth or teeth will allow the others to fill the gaps and develop normally.

  • Tooth Decay

If you have tooth decay that is left untreated, it’s possible Dr. Greenberg may not be able to save your tooth and will need to extract it as soon as possible.

  • Infection

Tooth decay can cause an infection that can spread to other teeth and other parts of your body. If the infection renders the tooth unsalvageable, Dr. Greenberg must extract it.

Determining If You Need An Emergency Tooth Extraction

To determine if you need a tooth extraction, Dr. Greenberg will examine your teeth and take a panoramic or cone beam CT scan x-ray to get a better look. You may merely need a filling or your treatment could warrant a root canal to remove deep decay in more severe cases. Dr. Greenberg will be able to explain what kind of treatment you need.

Types Of Tooth Extractions

emergency tooth extractions

As mentioned above, there are two types of tooth extractions. A simple extraction is when Dr. Greenberg uses a local anesthetic so you won’t feel any pain when he uses a hand-held tool known as an elevator to gently loosen the tooth and pull it out using forceps.

A surgical extraction for more severe cases requires the patient to be under general anesthesia or IV sedation. Dr. Greenberg then makes a small cut into the gum to remove the tooth.

Reasons You May Need Emergency Tooth Extraction

  • Pain and Swelling

Severe pain and inflammation are cause for serious concern and you should seek treatment right away.

  • Loose Tooth

A loose tooth, whether caused by an impact or an underlying health problem such as gum disease or tooth decay could require extraction.

  • Broken Tooth

A broken tooth needs immediate attention because Dr. Greenberg might be able to save it. If not, he will have to extract what’s left.

  • Infection

An infection that goes without treatment can have a negative impact on your tooth and surrounding teeth. It could penetrate so deep that it infects the root and requires extraction.

What Is Not An Emergency?

  • Dull Toothache

A dull toothache that can be temporarily alleviated with a topical anesthetic can wait for a regular appointment.

  • Stuck Food

Stuck food in your teeth can be annoying and maybe even uncomfortable, but not enough to make it an emergency.

  • Lost Filling or Crown

Unless your lost filling or crown is causing you pain, it can wait for a regular appointment. But don’t wait too long to schedule one.

  • Minor Cracks or Breaks That Are Not Painful

Once again, unless you are feeling a lot of pain, minor cracks or breaks such as a chipped tooth can wait for normal hours.

What To Do In The Event Of Emergency

If you need emergency care, contact Dr. Greenberg in Westchester County immediately to let him know you are coming in. Try to remain calm and don’t panic. Panicking only makes emergencies worse. Take steps to stop any bleeding. If the tooth was knocked out or broken, collect it and any pieces and place them in a cup of milk to preserve them.

Preventing Emergency Tooth Extraction

You can prevent the need for tooth extraction by taking proper care of your teeth. This includes practicing a daily oral care routine, avoiding sugary food and drinks, regularly seeing a dentist, wearing a sports mouthguard, and limiting tobacco and alcohol use. Most importantly, don’t wait too long to get care. It’s the best way to prevent a small problem from becoming a major problem.

Contact Greenberg Oral Surgery in Westchester County

Dr. Greenberg offers emergency services in Westchester County, including emergency tooth extraction. If you need to replace the tooth, Dr. Greenberg can provide a dental implant that will make your smile look like nothing ever happened. To contact Dr. Greenberg, call 914-762-3388 today!