Dental Implants in Briarcliffe, Mt. Kisco, & Yorktown Heights

Losing a permanent tooth is never fun. Whether your tooth suffers from decay or fracture or is missing entirely and the dentist could not save it, you need a new tooth to replace it and fill in the gap. One treatment option you can consider is dental implants.

What are dental implants?

dental implants

A dental implant is a titanium screw that stimulates the root of a tooth that serves as an anchor for a dental crown.

Oral Surgeons and Dental Implants

Oral Surgeons are highly skilled Doctors who have had advanced training in dental implant surgery. Dr. Andrew Greenberg has placed thousands of implants over the past 35 years. He utilizes the Nobel Biocare Implant system, which was the original Swedish implant upon which the modern-day implant is based.

Dental Implants in Briarcliffe, Mt. Kisco, & Yorktown Heights: How do they work?

Dental implants in Westchester

The dental implant is placed into the missing site where the tooth should be. A titanium implant is gently placed into the jaw and serves as the anchor so that a crown can be placed on top of it, which will restore the patient’s smile or function that teeth serve.

Dental Implants Procedure

The first thing you should expect is to undergo a complete evaluation and X-rays, which may include a 3-D Cone Beam C T Scan.

When the procedure finally begins, local or general anesthesia will be used to sedate you. The oral surgeon will make a small incision in the gum to expose the jawbone. Then the oral surgeon will drill a hole into the bone to place a titanium post, which screws into the bone. It will take some time for the post to fuse with the bone and heal. During that time, a temporary tooth can be worn to hide the space.

If your jawbone is not strong enough, you may require a bone graft and a Collagen Membrane.

After healing and fusion are complete, you will receive a new permanent porcelain dental crown, that attaches to the post via an abutment.

Dr. Andrew Greenberg has been placing titanium implants for many years and it is a simple and painless procedure.

Installation Time

The process of getting dental implants can take several months to complete. After placement of the post, healing and osseointegration can take 3 to 6 months before you can receive the replacement tooth. In some cases, your tooth may be extracted, and a dental implant and an immediate crown all placed on the same day. Patients love this because they receive their crown immediately with no time lag without a permanent tooth. Dr. Andrew Greenberg has done this procedure for many years.

After The Process

After the process is complete, be sure to let Dr. Greenberg know if you experience any discomfort, bleeding, or swelling for an extended period of time. In most cases, there is little to no pain post-operatively.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Whether you want dental implants for aesthetic reasons or to improve your dental health, there are many benefits that dental implants offer patients:

Improve appearance

 Speech improvement

Improve eating for better nutrition

Better self-esteem and a better way of life

Prevent jawbone loss

Potential Risks

Like other surgical procedures, dental implants pose some health risks, although most are minor and treatable. Risks include:

Infection at the implant site

Damage to other teeth

Nerve damage

Again, these problems are treatable and are generally rare. The benefits of dental implants far outweigh the risks, especially when receiving treatment from a highly skilled and experienced oral surgeon like Dr. Andrew Greenberg.

How do you clean dental implants?

Caring for your dental implants after the procedure is just as important if you want to keep your replacement in good shape. That means keeping the implant, the crown, and the surrounding parts of your mouth clean.

Brush the crown twice a day with a soft toothbrush using non-abrasive toothpaste.

Brush under and around the implant crown.

Use an interdental brush for hard-to-reach places.

Floss using implant-specific floss.

Use an oral irrigator.

Are there dietary restrictions with dental implants?

A soft diet is necessary for the first few days, and then patients can resume normal foods. Use good judgment not to eat very hard and crunchy foods which could damage the implants.

What if my dental implant breaks?

Just as a natural tooth can break, so can a dental implant or crown. If this should happen, contact your dentist right away, so you can get a replacement as soon as possible, to avoid other dental problems such as infection.

How long do dental implants last?

Dental implant screws should last a lifetime with proper care, but the crown lasts around 20 to 30 years and will likely need to be replaced after much wear and tear. The better care your crown receives, the longer it will last.

Are dental implants right for me?

Only you and your doctor can determine whether dental implants are right for you after a consultation and examination. However, if implants are not right for you, there are several other options available, including dentures.

Contact Us for Dental Implants in Westchester

Andrew Greenberg Westchester Magazine

Dr. Andrew Greenberg specializes in providing dental implants to his patients and he has the skills and years of experience to help anyone get the smile they want. Using the most up-to-date techniques and state-of-the-art technology, Dr. Greenberg is one of the best options for Dental Implants in Westchester, he can give you a smile that will last a lifetime. If you want or need dental implants, contact our Briarcliff office in Westchester County by calling 914-342-7782 or visit our website today!