
Have you ever woken up one morning with a toothache you could not explain? Maybe it’s a minor toothache that you can resolve by removing a piece of stuck food. But maybe you’re in a lot of pain. At this point, your toothache is an emergency and you should seek immediate care. Dr. Andrew Greenberg treats emergency toothaches!

What Is A Toothache?


Our teeth contain sensitive nerve endings that can become irritated or inflamed in a variety of ways. This often produces an ache or pain that we cannot ignore. Toothaches can be minor or major, and some will often go away on their own depending on the cause.

But some toothaches won’t go away unless you seek treatment from a dentist or an oral and maxillofacial surgeon with years of experience relieving tooth pain like Dr. Andrew Greenberg at Briarcliff Manor in Westchester County NY.

Toothache Causes

Again, toothaches have several causes and it may not always be clear what the problem is until you see a dental professional for an examination of your teeth. But just for your own reference, here are some common causes:

Stuck Food

It’s entirely likely that a piece of food became stuck between your teeth. Removing it should stop your toothache.


Grinding your teeth can damage them, which causes pain. If you suspect that you are grinding your teeth at night, ask your dentist to investigate. You may need a nightguard.

Wisdom Teeth

If you have wisdom teeth, you might be feeling pressure or pain because there is no room for them in your mouth. Dr. Greenberg specializes in removing wisdom teeth.


A cavity is a common cause of toothaches. When bacteria or sugar is left on the surface of our teeth, it can result in a tiny hole in our tooth enamel. The tooth begins to decay over time and the cavity may even reach the root if the patient fails to seek timely treatment. This can result in the need for a root canal or tooth extraction. The earlier you can seek treatment for a cavity, the better.


Waiting too long to seek treatment for your toothache can result in an infection that will do more than just cause pain. You may have a fever and other infection symptoms. This is a life-threatening situation.


Your toothache may also be connected to a recent trauma such as a car accident or an impact during sports activities.

When Is A Toothache An Emergency?

Everyone has a different level of discomfort or pain they can tolerate, but if your toothache causes you unbearable pain for at least two days, it’s time to seek emergency care. You could have a cavity or an infection that not only threatens your tooth but also threatens your life. Please do not try to wait it out to see if the pain just goes away on its own.

How Can An Oral Surgeon Help?

An oral surgeon like Dr. Andrew Greenberg has years of experience relieving toothache pain. If the cause of your toothache results in the need for a root canal or a tooth extraction, Dr. Greenberg can help.

Dr. Greenberg will examine your teeth and will take a panoramic x-ray or cone beam ct scan to get a better look. Saving your tooth is the top priority, but Dr. Greenberg will have to remove it if absolutely necessary.

Tooth Extraction

emergency tooth extractions

If emergency tooth extraction is necessary, Dr. Greenberg will either perform a simple or surgical procedure.

The simple procedure involves injecting the patient with a local anesthetic so they won’t feel any pain. Dr. Greenberg will then position a handheld tool known as an elevator at the root tip and loosen the tooth, which he will then pull using forceps.

The surgical procedure involves putting the patient under general anesthesia or using IV sedation. Dr. Greenberg will then make a cut into the gum and remove the tooth. If you need a new tooth, Dr. Greenberg also performs dental implants.

Contact Dr. Andrew Greenberg Today!

Regardless of the cause of your toothache, you should see a dental professional as soon as possible to determine the cause and get treatment. If your toothache requires the services of Dr. Andrew Greenberg, call our Briarcliff office at 914-342-7782 today!